Saturday, December 15, 2007

Life's a beach!

Today we went to the beach so Dad could have a quiet house to sleep in. The explorer bags that Peg made the kids are GREAT for the beach. They can put what ever they want in them, then if need be I just throw them in the washer. The star fish was a great find. Cort had fun checking him out. Grace wanted the shell in front of her, but she did not want to touch it. She is such a girl. I love the 40 degree weather for December! Today was in the low 40's the kids didn't even wear their gloves. However, the last two days we had a lot of rain and a wind advisory. Well you take the good with the not so good!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You do very well at updating this page! And I thank you for it. It is very informitive. I wonder why I never see You, Frank, or the Cat? Just a thought. Oh, yes, the kids are very cute. You should be proud!!!