Saturday, April 12, 2008

Yucky Morning Outside

Today was a bluster day, as Winnie the Pooh would say. All night and all day we had winds of about 40 mph, and sheets of sideways rain. When it looks and sounds like that outside it is time to find something we don't do very often. Play-Doh! Grace is showing off her Daddy snake. Can I make a suggestion, never give dark brown play-Doh to any children. I know Grace was very proud of her Daddy snake, but that is just not what I kept seeing. Cort was so cute! He made the green Play-Doh come out of the sheep, that is sitting on the table. Then he put the green on the table and told me he made a wool sweater. That is the green outline on the table. I wonder where he learns these things. I don't think I have talked about how the wool from sheep makes wool sweaters. I guess the Discovery, Science, & National Geographic channels are a good thing.

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