Friday, August 15, 2008

Back at the Beach

Last night we went to the beach. While Frank and Grace were fishing out in the boat, Cort and I were checking stuff out on the beach. Cort and I found a couple of these things, after poking it and trying to flip it over with a stick I decided it was a beached Jelly fish. Under it you could see the long stringy legs. It was really stiff to poke at, weird!

We almost ran out of light. It was so nice to get out.

Grace needed to have her picture taken on the rocks. This should not surprise Grandma Linda and Aunt Natalie.

Now that we are back and there are not any grasshoppers on the island, Cort has had to find something new to obsess about. The new thing is searching for crabs under rocks. What can I say, boys will be boys!

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