Saturday, May 9, 2009

Aleutian Ballad

Cort's Class went of a field trip on the Aleutian Ball, a ship from the first few seasons of "Deadliest Catch". It was a BLAST!!

Cort didn't want to touch the Tanner Crab, some people also call them Snow Crabs. He wanted to have his gloves on, then he wanted to hold the crabs:) Kids are funny, you know those little stretch gloves have so much protection:)

Cort is so brave holding the Tanner/Snow Crab! Notice the gloves:)

This is the Captain with a couple of King Crabs.

Cort was checking out the king Crab. They did not let the kids hold the Kings because of the spikes on them.

It was a great day on the water! We did get a little rain, but we do live in southeast Alaska:)

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