Saturday, September 13, 2008

The Boys and The Crabs

Saturday morning Frank and Dad went out looking for some crabs with a friend. As you can see by the two stacked pots they were successful!

Grandpa showing off one of the crabs.  Cort and Grace were loving playing with the crabs.  They were even trying to save the new pets from the fate they were about to experience.

Dad and Frank found that the best way to take care of the crabs was with the hatched on the tummy and then take some clippers and cut the shell off.  They then took the guts out of the crabs and then dropped the crabs into boiling salt water for 7 min.

Cort had a hard time with the whole idea of killing those crabs that he wanted to save.  We tried to get him to go into the house so that he would not see the killing.  He would not stay inside, so he was crying a lot.  He understands that they are food and that it is a part of life, but he is NOT happy about it.  

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