Sunday, September 21, 2008

Let's Go Fishing!

Today was a beautiful Day! Jim, a family friend, invited us to go out fishing. It took about 2 seconds to say YES!

We, I mean Frank & Jim, set a skate for Halibut. A skate is like a set line with about 30 hooks on it. Frank pulled up a ray, I had never seen one out of the water before. The kids were so excited! Grace wanted to let it go back into the ocean so he could be with his friends. Cort wanted to bring it home and keep it. Well, Grace got her way and the ray is now back in the deep blue sea.

Frank and Jim also pulled up a little shark, and a starfish. The shark was just little, Cort was disappointed. He wanted the shark to be bigger. The starfish got shook off of the hook before frank pulled in the boat. Poor guy.

After we got back to the harbor Jim's son had just in from fishing too. Jim's son got an octopus on one of his set lines. The kids were fascinated with it. They were not sure about touching it, without a stick. It was a great day to be out on the water! Thank you Jim!

1 comment:

Peggy said...

Did you get any fish? I love to see the kids in xtratuffs.