Monday, March 2, 2009

GEO Trax Girl

Who says that grils can't play with trains? We dug out the three big boxes from the garage for the kids to play with. Cort loves to play with them, I hate to have them out. There are so many that they take over the whole house! I was suprised that Grace had as much or even more fun with them than Cort did. I did break down and told the kids we could leave them in the living room till Wednesday. They just have to be put back in thier boxes every night. You can see two of the boxes in the background, They are not small.

I am sorry for the half dressed girl, she is going to hate this picture when she becomes a teenager. The cat was even interested in the trains for a little while. I helped Grace with this track, it only took over half of the living room. When Cort got home he had to get all of the tracks and other parts out and filled the whole living room. I was glad when 8:00 got here and they put them away and I could walk in the living room!

1 comment:

Peggy said...

I feel the same about playmobil. The pieces are many and they take over the house.