Sunday, February 17, 2008

Backyard Adventure

Today the weather was so nice that the kids and I decided to explore the backyard. Cort and Grace did it once by themselves and I did not like that at all. The new rule is not without Mom or Dad. The ground is muskeg, so it is very spongey to walk on. I took this picture toward the house. Do you see our blue house? I could see how we might not be able to go up there in the summer, as there are going to be a ton on bugs!

I could not help but to put Grace up in a tree. The trees are all bent and were made for little butts. Grace loved being up in the tree. Cort would have freaked out, he is afraid of heights.

Cort found a bunch of water up behind the house. It looked like it could have been a creak, but the water was not moving at all.

1 comment:

Peggy said...

eminds me so much of the muskeg behind my first house in Juneau - the one we hiked through to get to the top of Mt. Jumbo.