Thursday, January 17, 2008

Colorful Day

We made the inside of the house bright and colorful, because it was not outside. After living in Fairbanks where it is colder than O degrees most of the winter, I feel bad to say it was cold and yucky out side when it was 41 out. We did walk to go get the mail, once we got moving it was not that cold and it didn't even rain while we were on our walk. Of course we were about a half mile into our 2 mile walk when Grace told me she had to go potty and it could not wait till we got back home. She did make it to the swimming pool, we picked up a schedule and used the potty. That is what I get for not having everyone potty before we leave the house:) The kids wanted to show there Grandmas their pictures. I thought this was going to be the best way to do that.

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