Thursday, January 31, 2008

Everything waits for Cort

Today Grace was actually the first one ready to go outside. I sent her out and helped Cort finish. When I looked out the window it was so sweet to see the look on her face waiting for Cort. They are so different, Cort is always first out and he is gone. Grace had to wait for her leader.

Cort was to busy running for his bike to ride in the snow. He did not have time to stop and look and me, so we have a Cort on the run. I stepped outside in a tee shirt and house pants to snap a couple of pictures, then when I went to go back in the house I discovered I was locked out. What luck, all I wanted was a few fun pictures and I didn't even get a good picture of Cort. At least it was only about 15 min. before Frank was done with work. Good thing for nice neighbors. Duch, Frank's Co-worker, was home so I stayed at his house while the kids played outside.

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