Friday, January 11, 2008

Cort's Creations

This is what happens when you send your 5 year old out side to play and you stay inside. I told him we were going to move the pile of dirt this spring, so not to add any more dirt to the pile. I looked outside last night and saw he had made an army shelter. The long stick toward the bottom right is a cannon, the pile of rocks is a shelter from gun fire, then the big stick at the top of the hill is his machine gun. He must get it from Frank, I was never that creative when I was little.

A few weeks ago when he was outside playing he made this fire pit. Nice looking pit! Then he had to fill it with wood and branches, he is so cute! The car behind the fire pit is only about a foot long, so at least the fire pit does not take up the whole front yard.

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